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  • Don’t just lint your code, fix it with Prettier

    Linting makes everyone’s lives easier by telling us what’s wrong with our code, but how can we avoid doing the actual work that goes into fixing it? Previously I wrote about linting, what it is, and how it makes your life easier. At the end, I actually included a way that you could automatically fix …

  • What is linting and how can it save you time?

    One of the biggest challenges in software development is time. It’s something we can’t easily get more of, but linting can help us make the most out of the time we have. So what is linting? lint, or a linter, is a tool that analyzes source code to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors, and …

  • What is Gatsby and why it’s time to get on the hype train?

    Frameworks come and go, and while Gatsby may eventually drift as tech does, the performance and productivity boosts are strong arguments for diving in right away. Wait up, what is Gatsby? Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps Their emphasis (I’ll explain …

  • Making Sense of Google Analytics and the Traffic to Your Website

    Google Analytics is a powerful web service that gives you insights into your website or application. What exactly is it and how can it help? I’m going to cover a few things here. If you’re already familiar with the basics, feel free to skip through: What is Google Analytics? (Overview) Okay, so where do I …

  • Put Down the Javascript – Learn HTML & CSS

    A growing trend in front end development is the idea that you can dive right in to Javascript and succeed. Honestly, for better or worse you probably can, but you’re just building on top of a fragile foundation that will come back to bite you. Why do I need HTML or CSS? The UI frameworks …

  • You Don’t Need CSS-in-JS – Why I Use Stylesheets

    CSS-in-JS is all the rage. But is it really the best option? Solving problems you don't need to solve Don't get me wrong, CSS-in-JS is a great solution, but it's for a problem most people don't have. Maintaining your components in a very siloed approach absolutely helps things like: Unintentional side effects of cascading styles …

  • Destructuring the Fundamentals of React Hooks

    Hooks have become a pretty powerful new feature of React, but they can be intimidating if you’re not really sure what’s going on behind the scenes. The beauty is now being able to manage state in a simple (and reusable) manner within function components. But why not just use a class? Without getting too far …

  • Reliable and Maintainable Google Analytics in Webpack

    One of the messier bits of a new app setup is trying to figure out where to stash your Google Analytics initialization scripts. There are some existing options like React Helmet, to manage the head of your document, or you can simply toss it in your monolithic index.html file. The thing is, those setups never …

  • Stop using custom templates in your Webpack React apps

    Google "webpack react" and you'll notice the top result guides all have one thing in common: they create custom HTML templates for their React applications. See, React apps need a root node that serves as a mounting point when rendering to the DOM, so most times you'll simply see a <div> with an ID of …

  • Easily Maintain HTML Partials in Webpack Based Javascript Applications

    Webpack, even with the HTML Webpack Plugin, doesn’t necessarily give a graceful way of managing simple HTML snippets without putting together ugly custom templates within inline loaders. Moving them to the application itself is sometimes an option, with things like title tags using React Helmet, but that doesn’t necessarily work with requirements such as analytics …