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  • Overcoming Your Fear of Writing and How You Can Find Motivation

    Writing about our work is one of those things that most of us have on our to-do list. But whether it's due to procrastination or fear, we never actually get to it. Here's some more motivation and reasons why you should give it a shot! Why should we write in the first place? Maybe you've …

  • Set Future You Up for Success with Good Coding Habits

    Getting in the habit of being conscious of your coding decisions can make a difference not only as you build out your project, but also when you or your teammates try to revisit that project in the future. What kinds of things can we do to make it a little easier on our future self? …

  • How to set up a custom Mapbox basemap style with React Leaflet and Leaflet Gatsby Starter

    Building maps can be pretty powerful, but often you're stuck with open source options for the map imagery that might not help the readability of your data. How can we leverage Mapbox's tile APIs to add a custom basemap to our React Leaflet app? What are we going to build? We're going to walk through …

  • How to create a Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard & Map App with Gatsby and Leaflet

    The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has swiftly changed how all of us interact day to day. How can we use available APIs to build a mapping app that shows the impact it has had on the world? Update: The original NovelCOVID API v1 endpoint has been deprecated. Please update and use the following instead: Author's …

  • How to Create a Summer Road Trip Mapping App with Gatsby and Leaflet

    Get ready for the summer by building your own road trip mapping app with this step-by-step guide! Author's Note: Even though we're going through some challenging times, we can still be optimistic we'll get through this together and be able to enjoy our summer. Stay safe and wash your hands. ❤️ What are we going …

  • Anyone Can Map! Inspiration and an introduction to the world of mapping

    Chef Gusteau was a visionary who created food experiences for the world to enjoy. How can we take his lessons and apply them to the world of mapping? Taking inspiration from a culinary great If you've seen the Pixar movie Ratatouille, you should know who Chef Gusteau is. He helped our "little chef" Remy the rat navigate the culinary world and become …

  • What is the JAMstack and how do I get started?

    JAMstack sites are all the rage right now in the web dev world. And rightfully so! But what exactly is it and how can we all take advantage of its benefits? What is this JAMstack? To start, JAMstack is a software architecture and philosophy that adheres to the following components: Javascript, APIs, and Markup. If this sounds …

  • How to Become a Full Stack Web Developer in 2020

    Full stack web developers are the Swiss Army knife of the code world. Having that designation means you can produce end to end solutions, which is a highly marketable and agile skillset. But what does it actually take to achieve that status? Translations: Korean, Chinese First off, what really makes a developer full stack? It’s …

  • Create your own Santa Tracker with Gatsby and React Leaflet

    The Christmas season is a magical time of year. We have Santa flying around spreading cheer and Elf roaming around New York during our yearly rewatch with family and friends. To get in the spirit, we’re going to spin up a web app that includes a map that tracks Santa on it! Edit 12/23: Updated …

  • How to use Google Tag Manager to maintain Google Analytics and other marketing tags

    Managing code snippets and pixels on your website or app to measure traffic can be a little bit stressful, especially if you have a marketing team that constantly needs to make changes. Luckily, there are tools out there like Google Tag Manager that will make them a little easier to wrangle. What is Google Tag …